
Showing posts from April, 2022

List Of Asian Countries

They also reaffirmed the role of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in maintaining peace and security in the region. Russia acceded to the TAC on 29 November, thereby becoming the second nuclear weapon state and UN Security Council member to sign the TAC after China. On 22 July, the 10th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting (ASEAN+3) was held in Phuket, Thailand. The Foreign Ministers expressed concern over recent DPRK nuclear tests and missile launches and urged the DPRK to comply with obligations under UNSC resolutions. They also encouraged early resumption of the Six-Party Talks and the possible use of the ARF as a regional security forum including all participants to the Six-Party Talks. On 9 June, Malaysia, on behalf of ASEAN, delivered a statement at the second session of the Conference on Disarmament. Get information on country economic data and analysis, development assistance, and regional initiatives. Outside Southeast Asia, such as in Japan and the United States of...